"I grew up in the Arts and Crafts world- thanks to my Mom! Then one day it hit me: Why not create another opportunity for creative people? Since there is soooo much competition out there, how does one get noticed and appreciated? I KNOW the frustrations of OVERPAYING and being UNDER APPRECIATED. Plus the free sites rarely bring in quality customers; mostly bringing in spamers or people who really are looking for cheap stuff. Therefore the purpse of is summed up in these 3 very simple things:
1.) Attract serious buyers.
2.) Affordable advertisement.
3.) Bringing Artists and Crafters together in a social community.
SO, spread the word to your friends, family, and friendly neighbors, and we'll do our part to spread the word about YOU. Thank you and enjoy!"
"I grew up in the Arts and Crafts world- thanks to my Mom! Then one day it hit me: Why not create another opportunity for creative people? Since there is soooo much competition out there, how does one get noticed and appreciated? I KNOW the frustrations of OVERPAYING and being UNDER APPRECIATED. Plus the free sites rarely bring in quality customers; mostly bringing in spamers or people who really are looking for cheap stuff. Therefore the purpse of is summed up in these 3 very simple things:
1.) Attract serious buyers.
2.) Affordable advertisement.
3.) Bringing Artists and Crafters together in a social community.
SO, spread the word to your friends, family, and friendly neighbors, and we'll do our part to spread the word about YOU. Thank you and enjoy!"